Anti – Bullying Policy

What is bullying?

Bullying is not always easy to define, but according to Dan Olweus, an expert in the field of prevention of bullying, he says it should include:

  • Physical – pushing, kicking, hitting, pinching and other forms of violence or threats.
  • Verbal – name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumors, persistent teasing
  • Emotional – excluding, tormenting, ridicule or humiliation
  • Racist – Racial taunts, graffiti or gestures
  • Social – unwanted physical contact or abusive comments
  • Homophobic – any hostile or offensive action against lesbian, gay males or bisexuals or those perceived to be these above.

All the above forms of bullying cannot just be delivered on a personal, face to face basis, but also by using existing and new technology, known as cyber bullying. We can sum up bullying as actions taken by one or more people with the deliberate intention of hurting another person (in any of the above ways). This policy is designed to support Rising Stars Academy (RSA) policy behaviour policy, equal opportunities and anti-discrimination policies. Bullying is about a pre-meditated act, which relies on a stage of cognitive development in order to think the process through.

Aims and Objectives

  • Bullying is wrong and is damaging to individual people. RSA, proactively implements policies and procedures to prevent this, by developing a childcare provision in which bullying is regarded as unacceptable.
  • We aim to deliver a safe and secure environment where all children can play and learn without fear or anxiety.
  • This policy aims to produce a consistent response to any bullying incidents that may occur.
  • We aim to make all those connected with RSA aware of our opposition to bullying and staff have a responsibility to eradicate bullying in our childcare provision.
  • We do not tolerate any kind of bullying as stated above on any grounds whatsoever, and support all parties involved to gain a full understanding of our ethos.

Hurtful Behaviour
Young children are ‘egocentric’ which means that they put their own feelings before others, and even the most considerate child will have the occasional outburst due to frustration, anger or over exuberance. We acknowledge that this is a developmental area that needs to be nurtured and supported and that young children do not intentionally wish to cause hurt. If hurtful comments are made, our strategies are:

  • To recognise that young children are not always able to manage their own feelings and deliver them appropriately
  • Assist in this management to support their biological and cognitive development.
  • Offer support to both parties and to discuss the issues through play, story times and circle time activities.

Anti – Bullying Procedure
The role of the manager

  • It is the responsibility of the manager to implement RSA anti-bullying strategy and to ensure that all staff (paid/unpaid) are aware of the policy and know how to deal with incidents of bullying.
  • The manger ensures that all children begin to learn that bullying is wrong and that it is unacceptable behaviour in the childcare provision. The manager draws the attention of everyone to this fact through staff meetings and monitoring that this is being implemented on a regular basis.
  • The manager ensures that all staff are in receipt of enough training to be equipped to deal with any incidents of bullying.
  • The manager set the centres climate of mutual support and praise for successes, so making bullying less likely. When people feel they are important and belong to a friendly and welcoming setting, bullying is far less likely to occur.

The role of staff

  • Staff are at RSA take all forms of bullying seriously and intervene to prevent incidents from taking place. A record is kept of all incidents of bullying that occur and these are shared with the manager.
  • If staff witness an act of bullying, they will do all they can to support the person or persons who are being bullied. If a child is being bullied over a period, then, after consultation with the manager, the member of staff informs the child’s parent.
  • For all incidents of bullying behaviour management form should be completed. We record all incidents of bullying that occur within the centre.
  • If practitioners become aware of any bullying taking place between members of a group, we deal with the situation immediately. This will involve supporting all parties to understand that this is not acceptable to be bullied, to be the recipient of bullying, and that RSA will deal with the situation very seriously. If the patterns repeat of bullying the child’s parents should be asked to meet with the manager.

The role of parents

  • Parents, who are concerned that their child might be being bullied, or who suspect that their
    child may be the perpetrator of bullying, should contact the manager immediately.
  • Parents have a responsibility to support the centres anti bullying policy and actively
    encourage their child to be a positive member of the childcare provision.
  • Parents are always expected to help develop their child’s social skills, in support of RSA’s

Behaviour Management Policy

At RSA we are committed to ensuring the children’s cultural capital allows them to develop into secure children who thrive at the centre and throughout their lives.

We understand that a large part of being secure in their emotional and social wellbeing is affected through their mental wellbeing. This begins with children having developed the skills to manage their behaviour in socially acceptable ways to form relationships with those around them and leads to them being part of a wider community.

With mental health being extremely prevalent today we understand the impact that supporting children’s emotional health and wellbeing is of the upmost importance. Through creating a behaviour policy that views the child as an individual and helps the children within our care label their own emotions and deal with them in an age appropriate way we hope to build resilient well-
balanced children.

RSA treats all children with respect and has high expectations for the adults and children’s learning and social behaviours. Our aim is to provide a calm environment where children feel safe and loved in a homely atmosphere, where the staff take time to meet the needs of each child holistically. The strong relationships and partnerships the staff have with the children and their parents enables them to identify behaviours which are out of character and deal with behaviour in a way that provides a learning activity for the children where age appropriate and helps them to implement problem solving in the face of adversity.

We understand that positive behaviour can be taught and the impact that our behaviour as role models has on the children in our care. We understand that negative behaviour can be a signal for a need for support which we will provide without diluting our expectations.
The aims for this policy are to:

  • Maintain a caring community in which effective learning can take place and where the children, staff and parents show a mutual respect
  • To help children develop a sense of self-worth, identity and achievement
  • To help all children develop resilience
  • To help children make positive choices and accept responsibility for their actions where age appropriate
  • To develop in all children the ability to listen to others, cooperate and appreciate other ways of thinking and behaving

We will achieve this through having a behaviour policy based on rights, responsibilities and respect. Praise, reward, and positive role modelling which supports the children’s development of self-regulation and the making of positive choices. Unwanted behaviour will be addressed through a staff member identifying the behaviour and determining what the best course of action is dependent on the action.

If a child is displaying unwanted behaviour towards another child, the child the unwanted behaviour is directed at will be comforted while a staff member removes the child displaying the unwanted behaviour from the situation. A staff member will stay with the child until they have calmed down. Once the child is calm the staff member will speak to the child about their actions and reflect with the child on their actions and ways in which the situation could have been dealt with.

Conflict resolution

Conflict resolution for older children will be managed using high scope resolution steps. We feel this is the most appropriate way to manage conflict resolution as rather than problem solving for the children it gives them the skills to manage conflict in a positive and non-confrontational way.

  1. The staff member will approach calmly, stopping any hurtful actions. Place themself between the children, on their level; use a calm voice and gentle touch; remain neutral rather than taking sides.
  2. The children’s feelings will be acknowledged through the staff member saying something simple such as “You look really upset”; let children know you need to hold any object in question.
  3. Information will be gathered as to the onset of the incident through the staff member asking, “What’s the problem?”. Staff members will refrain from asking why questions.
  4. The problem will then be reinstated “So the problem is…” the staff member will use and extend the children’s vocabulary, substituting neutral words for hurtful or judgmental ones (such as “stupid”) if needed.
  5. We will then ask for ideas for solutions and choose one together. This will be done through encouraging children to think of a solution but offering options if the children are unable to at first.
  6. We will then give follow up support, acknowledge children’s accomplishments, e.g., “You solved the problem!” Stay nearby in case anyone is not happy with the solution and the process needs repeating.

Partnership with parents to reducing unwanted behaviour

Partnership with parents is key to RSA. We want to work together with you, the parents, to provide the best form of care. It would be great if you could inform us on any details you feel is important for the centre to know E.g. eating issues or illnesses.

We will always encourage parents to inform us on details that may affect the child’s well-being. This can be as simple as ‘mum is away this week for work’ or ‘dad has broken his arm’ small changes can potentially have a huge effect on a child’s behaviour.

If we have concerns about a child’s behaviour we will speak to the parents to put in to place a system that will be effective for the individual child. This may be a sticker chart or a Behavioural plan and if necessary, seek advice from outside agencies. Our behaviour coordinator is Mr Baig; please speak to Mr Baig if you wish to know more about managing behaviour in our setting.


Rising Stars Academy values young people and children as being a vital part of the organisation and desires to see them grow, mature and be challenged in a healthy and safe environment.

The name of the child protection officer for the group will be displayed in the minutes dated 3rd January 2020, and a copy of this child protection policy will be kept with the Directors.


The purpose of Rising Stars Academy is to offer the children a safe and welcoming environment with fun activities where the children can grow and learn. Whether this be through activities or through other independent groups working in partnership with other organisations.


  • To provide activities for children and young people to help them develop from childhood into adulthood and to provide support for them.
  • To enable the children to express themselves.
  • To assist the children in integrating into the community.
  • To help children/young people appreciate the diversity of their cultures.


  1. Each child and young person are formally registered within the group. The information includes an information/consent form which their parent/guardian must complete. These forms have vital information about health and emergency contacts and is kept securely and brought to each session.
  2. Attendance register: a register is kept for each session.

Child Protection Representative

Rising Stars Academy has appointed a child protection representative, whose name is displayed. If any worker has any child safety concerns, they should discuss them with Mr Baig   He will take on the following responsibilities:

  • Ensuring that the policy is being put into practice;
  • Being the first point of contact for child protection issues;
  • Keeping a record of any concerns expressed about child protection issues;
  • Bringing any child protection concerns to the notice of the Management Committee and contacting the Local Authority if appropriate.
  • Ensuring that paid staff and volunteers are given appropriate supervision.
  • Ensuring that everyone involved with the organisation is aware of the identity of the Child Protection Representative.

The policy will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that it is meeting its aims.


  1. When organising a trip/outing an outing slip is completed. This includes details about the trip and a section for parents to give their consent. These slips must be returned before the event takes place and must be brought on the trip with the completed group information/consent forms.
  2. There is adequate insurance for the work and activities.

Personal/Personnel Safety

  • A group of children or young people under sixteen should not be left unattended at any time.
  • Avoid being alone with an individual child or young person for a long time. If there is a need to be alone with a child or young person (e.g. first aid or he/she is distressed) make sure that another worker knows where you are and why.
  • At no time should a volunteer or worker from any external organisation arrange to meet a young person away from the activity without someone else being there.
  • As such meetings should be planned and have the approval of a member of the Committee (this must be someone other than the organiser themselves).
  • Teenage assistants should always be supervised.

Child Safety

  1. Make sure that the area you are using for activities is fit for the purpose, e.g. remove furniture, which could cause injury in energetic games.
  2. Make sure that all workers and assistants know
    • Where the emergency phone is and how to operate it
    • Where the first aid kit is
    • Who is responsible for First Aid and how to record accidents or injuries in the incident book.
    • What to do in the event of a fire or other emergency
  3. Once a year there should be a fire practice
  4. Do not let children go home without an adult unless the parent has specifically said they may do so. Never let a child go with another adult unless the parent has informed you that this will happen.
  5. If private cars are used for an outing, the drivers must be approved by the committee, be properly insured, have rested before driving, and should have clean licenses. There should always be at least one other responsible person (16 or over) in each vehicle. All vehicles should be fitted with full seatbelts, not just lap belts. Full seatbelts should always be used.

Under normal circumstances, workers should only give a lift home to a young person from group activities if the parents of the young person have specifically asked for them to do so. (If workers are asked to give a young person or child a lift home, they are not obliged to do so, it is left to their discretion).

In the case of trips or outings, it should be made clear if workers’ cars will be used and where the children or young people will be returned to.


It is a great benefit if workers undertake regular training for this type of work. The committee should keep workers informed of relevant courses.

What is child protection?

Child protection is the response to the different ways in which a young person’s or child’s physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual health are damaged by the actions of another person.

What you should do

  1. Listen to the child/young person
  2. Look at them directly and do not promise to keep any secrets before you know what they are, but always let the child/young person know if, and why, you are going to tell anyone
  3. Look at them directly and do not promise to keep any secrets before you know what they are, but always let the child/young person know if, and why, you are going to tell anyone
  4. Take whatever is said to you seriously and help the child/young person to trust his/her own feelings. Take notes of exactly what is said to you avoiding assumptions and conjecture.
  5. It is note the role of the worker to investigate any allegations (this would contaminate evidence if a situation went to court). Any disclosure by a child/young person must be reported to the named child protection officer.
  6. Speak immediately to the Local Authority or NSPCC for further advice and guidance.

What you should not do

  1. Project workers/volunteers should not begin investigating the matter themselves.
  2. Do not discuss the matter with anyone except the correct people in authority.
  3. Do not form your own opinions and decide to do nothing.

Things to say or do:

  • ‘What you are telling me is very important’
  • This is not your fault’
  • ‘I am sorry that this has happened/is happening’
  • ‘You were right to tell someone’
  • What you are telling me should not be happening to you and I will find out the best way to help you’
  • Make notes soon after the event. Try to write down exactly what the young person or child said. Avoid assumptions or conjecture.

Things not to say or do:

  • Do not ask leading questions – Why? How? What?
  • Do not say ‘Are you sure?’
  • Do not show your own emotions e.g. shock/disbelief
  • Do not make false promises

This policy was adopted by Rising Stars Academy on 10th August 2018

Signed on behalf of the Management Committee by:

Signature………Khurram Baig…………………………………….

Name in Capitals………KHURRAM BAIG……………………………

The policy has been reviewed by the Management Committee on:

Date 10th August 2020

Complaints Procedure

If you wish to make a formal complaint about Rising Stars Academy, you can do so by following the following steps.

You can get in touch with us at or 0300 123 4666 to complain about a childcare provider. However, Ofsted’s powers here are limited:
we cannot resolve disputes between you and the provider. Our role is to make sure that the childcare provider is following all registration requirements and take action if necessary.

If you complain, we will review the information you provide and decide what to do. We may carry out an immediate inspection, ask the provider to take action or work with other agencies to look at any issues.

Ofsted Address:
2 Rivergate, Redcliffe, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6DZ

Fire Safety Policy

Fire safety is very important to RSA to keep our staff, children and their families safe as well as any visitors/contractors we have on site.

In the event of a fire

  • Raise the alarm (if this has not already been done).
  • Follow RSA’S Evacuation Procedure (ensure you are familiar with this procedure).
  • Gather at the allocated & signed assembly point (at the back of car park) and report to management/fire marshal. The fire marshal has the authority to move the assembly point if they deem it unsafe.
  • Check that all persons/children are accounted for using registers and the visitor’s book.
  • Report any missing persons/children to the fire marshal/management.
  • Once outside DO NOT re-enter the building.
  • Management will call the fire and rescue service.
  • It is the duty of the fire marshal to check their designated area has been evacuated (they will have their own logical search pattern) unless it would put themselves in danger.
  • Once the fire and rescue service arrive the fire marshal/management will liaise with them.

Fire Detection and Warning Systems

Here at RSA we have smoke and heat detectors installed to detect a fire. However, if you detect a fire raise the alarm manually by pushing one of the call points. When the alarm is activated a siren will sound throughout the building.

Fire Fighting Equipment

We have firefighting equipment located around the premises; the type of fire equipment will depend on what the risks are in that area (as different extinguishers are used for different materials; refer to the signs near the extinguishers). Our firefighting equipment and their location are:

  • staff kitchen – powder extinguisher
  • staff office – foam and carbon dioxide extinguisher
  • back playroom – foam and carbon dioxide extinguisher
  • entrance – foam and carbon dioxide extinguisher
  • kitchen – powder extinguisher and fire blanket
  • soft play – foam and carbon dioxide extinguisher
  • upstairs kitchen – powder and fire blanket
  • Courtyard – carbon dioxide

Only a trained and authorised person should try and use firefighting equipment (fire marshal). Only attempt to fight a fire if you are not putting yourself or others at risk.

Emergency Lighting

We have self-contained emergency lighting units above all our emergency exits. This is maintained by a professional fire system company and checked monthly (in-house) by a trained fire marshal. The purpose of emergency lighting is to guide everyone to their nearest exit.

Fire Signs

  • Fire instruction notices are displayed around the premises at call points and near fire extinguishers. They display instructions that are clear, simple and precise. These instructions will tell you what to do in the event of a fire.
  • Fire exit signs are clearly displayed above all fire exits.
  • Fire door signs are displayed on the fire doors, so they are kept closed.
  • Fire exit keep clear signs are displayed on the fire exits leading into the staff car park.

Arrangements for People at Higher Risk

A personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEP) will be created and available for everyone who needs help during an evacuation so they can reach a place of safety/assembly point. The PEEP will include their escape route(s), what assistance is needed (including the number of helpers needed), what methods can be used during the evacuation and any special facilities/equipment that is needed.

Arrangements for Visitors and Contractors

Visitors will be directed and assisted to the nearest fire exit. Contractors will be informed of the exits and our evacuation procedure.

Fire Drills

Here at RSA we complete a fire drill every three months to ensure everyone knows how to react to a fire. The purpose of a fire drill is to:

  • ensure staff know the correct procedure
  • ensure the fire marshal carry out their duties effectively
  • help identify problems with our emergency plan

All fire drills are recorded.

Procedure for Liaising with the Fire and Rescue Service

In the event of a fire the fire marshal/management will call the fire and rescue service. When they arrive at the premises, they will need certain information. It is usually the responsibility of the fire marshal/management to relay this to them. They will need to know:

  • Where the fire started
  • Any missing persons
  • Any high-risk areas e.g. cleaning cupboard due to flammable liquids

Once this information has been passed on, the fire fighters will take control of the situation.

Health and Hygiene Policy


Food –

We see mealtimes as a very important time of the day, it allows the children to socialise with one another and learn about healthy eating. We aim to provide nutritious and well-balanced meals for all children.

Prior to a child starting at our setting we require any dietary needs and preferences, including any allergies.

Fresh drinking water is always available to the children throughout the day. The children are aware that their water bottles are out and ready at any point in the day for them to have a drink when needed.

If 2 or more parents notify us of their child having food poisoning, we must notify Ofsted as soon as reasonably practical but within 14 days of the incident.


Hand Hygiene –

It is important that we make sure both staff and children are washing their hands on a regular basis, this is one of the most effective ways to control the spread of germs.

We have several basins available to make sure hands are washed after toilet use and before and after food. We have signs in all areas to show each child how they should be washing their hands.

Children are also encouraged to cover their mouths when sneezing or coughing and then to wash their hands.

We also have hand sanitisers throughout the premises.

COVID 19 Update.

Children and staff are encouraged to wash their hand regularly throughout the day for a minimum of 20 seconds.

Children, staff and visitors are also asked to wash their hands using the portable hand washing stations at the front of the building before entering or leaving the setting.

Cleaning and Clearing –

We have disposable gloves and body fluid spillage kits for when staff need to clear up after a child has been sick, if they have been bleeding or for any other bodily fluid. All affected areas will then be cleaned with paper towels and disinfected immediately.

If the child has contaminated their clothes then they must be removed from the child, placed in plastic bags and given to parents to take home.

Health and Safety Policy

Our setting takes health and safety very seriously and is of utmost importance. We aim to make our setting as safe as it can be for children, parents and staff. We work with the children and parents to make sure they are aware of any hazards and risks to enable them both to feel safe. In addition, regular and detailed risk assessments are carried out to reduce the risk or any hazards.

We use health and safety to discuss with the children how to be safe in their environment through planned activities and routines.

No smoking –

We comply with the EYFS safety regulations by making our setting a no smoking (including electronic cigarettes) environment both indoors and outdoors.

All staff and parents are made aware that our setting is a no smoking area, we also display a sign on entrance to show this. If staff smoke then they will do so away from the premises on their break, they will not smoke 15 minutes prior to coming into the nursery from the beginning of their shift and at lunch.

No Drugs or Alcohol

Carers of any kind (including guardians) must not be under the influence of alcohol or any other substance which may affect their ability to care for the children. If a parent or guardian was to collect their child under the influence, we would contact the emergency contact number and refuse collection. If necessary, we will also contact the police. In line with the Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements ‘If practitioners are taking medication which may affect their ability to care for children, those practitioners should seek medical advice. Providers must ensure that those practitioners only work directly with children if medical advice confirms that the medication is unlikely to impair that staff member’s ability to look after children properly. Staff medication on the premises must be securely stored, and out of reach of children at all times.’

Sun Safety –

When the sun is shining, we like to encourage children to play outside. To do this we make sure they are safe on hot days by –

  • Applying sun cream of a high factor that is supplied by us from Tesco’s (Factor 50)
  • Making sure all children wear suitable hats
  • Encouraging children to drink plenty of water

Doors –

We fit protection strips to the door frames to prevent children’s fingers from being trapped in the doors. We have also removed any unnecessary doors to make sure there is less chance of the children trapping their fingers.

Floors –

All our floors are checked daily to make sure they are clean and even and not wet or damaged.

Hot surfaces –

We make sure in our setting that the children have no contact with hot surfaces. All equipment in the kitchen is not accessible to the children and all our radiators have covers on. We have also put thermostatic mixing valves on the hot water taps, so the water doesn’t become too hot for the children.

Electrical/gas equipment –

All electrical/gas equipment conforms to safety requirements and is checked regularly by a CORGI registered engineer.

We make sure that all our boiler and electrical equipment is not accessible to the children by either putting them out of reach.

Outdoor areas –

We make sure that our outdoor areas are securely fenced to keep the children safe when enjoying the outdoor space. When we use the outdoor areas, they will be checked for safety and cleared of rubbish before it is used. All our outdoor activities will be supervised by our practitioners.

Cleaning Chemicals –

To make sure that the children do not touch or consume cleaning products we make sure they are out of reach or in non-children areas. All containers are clearly labelled to show what they are and what they are used for.


RSA is committed to controlling the spread of coronavirus. We will endeavour to follow all guidance given by the government.

The risk assessment for managing COVID in the workplace will be reviewed monthly and adapted to ensure we are taking all necessary steps to ensure that RSA is a safe place for children, staff and visitors.

All staff returning from Furlough will have a reintroduction meeting explaining the changes which have been put in place.

Risk assessment –

Our setting follows a strict risk assessment which includes the following steps –

  • Identifying Hazards in the setting
  • Who could be harmed by this hazard and how?
  • What actions we are taking to prevent these hazards
  • What further action is necessary?
  • Who will deal with the further action and when?

We run these risk assessments regularly, it does vary depending upon the type of risk assessment and the outcome of the previous assessment. This is done to ensure we are offering the safest of environments for everyone.

Inclusion Policy

Our goal is to welcome every single child and support them to the best of our ability. We will provide additional support to ensure the best form of care for your child. We aim to work in full partnership with both parents and professionals so that the child can reach their full potential.

We value that everybody is different and respect that you and your child have different cultures and beliefs. Therefore, we would like to be informed of what you and your family celebrate! We will look at a range of different festivals throughout the year to broaden our minds and teach the children that there are many different cultures and beliefs to learn from.

Every child will be included in every activity as it is their right within the nursery to participate in everything. They will be encouraged to value one another and just as importantly themselves. Therefore, we will support accessibility to all equipment. This will be further ensured through organised activities or simple patterns of play. In meeting the needs for individuals, we will be flexible in adapting activities to suit everyone.

We will work with parents and outside agencies/professionals to meet individual needs of children.

Any person who is seen or heard to be using inappropriate or discriminatory language will be challenged. Should this behaviour continue then your child’s place at RSA  will be reviewed.

We continually review, monitor and evaluate inclusion practices by for example celebrating festivals from all religions/cultures and adjusting our practices to suit all new starters. We can meet all the needs of the children by getting to know them as an individual and making reasonable adjustments where necessary.

At RSA we are all equal no matter what age, gender, race or ability.

Non-attendance policy

It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to notify Mr Baig, the centre manager by phone or email if your child will be absent for any reason e.g. illness, holiday, etc. If you know holidays in advance it is greatly appreciated to let us know then.

If your child attends a morning or full day session, please inform us by 10:00am or 2:00pm for an afternoon session.

If we haven’t heard from you a senior member of staff (manger/room leader) will contact, you by telephone and if we can’t reach you, we’ll send an email. We will also keep a record on non-attendance and our contact attempts.

If we have had no contact with you or are concerned about the welfare of the child, our DSL/DDSL (designated safeguarding lead and deputy lead) will contact our local authority designated officer (LADO) through the local safeguarding children’s board. We will also call 101 so the police can carry out a welfare check.

If you claim childcare funding, long or regular absences may affect your entitlement. We would need to contact the Surrey Early Years and Childcare Service. We would notify you when we have done this.

If your child is off due to symptoms of coronavirus or due to your family self-isolating you will need to inform the nursery as soon as symptoms or self-isolation commences and ensure they are kept off for the full 14 days.

All absences are payable in full and is stated in our terms and conditions.

Safeguarding Policy

As a childcare provider it is our job to ensure every child feels safe and secure within our care to enable them to grow and develop. It is imperative that as a carer we are able to recognise any changes in the child’s behaviour, appearance and attitude towards others. Being able to recognise the signs and symptoms of various types of abuse is important so something can be done about it.

 What is abuse?

A form of maltreatment of a child. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm or by failing to act to prevent harm. Children may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting by those known to them or, more rarely, by others (e.g. via the internet). They may be abused by an adult or adults or by another child or children.

You must report any suspicions of abuse to the Manager, you must document everything that is said to you by the child, exactly as they said it, then sign and date. This is because if any case went to court and it had been documented in your own words it would be invalid.

Below are the different types of abuse and the possible signs and symptoms:

 Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is a form of abuse which may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of, or deliberately induces, illness in a child.

It is important to remember children do get a number of bruises and bumps during normal play, this is why everything must be recorded. Physical abuse injuries tend to be accompanied by a story that does not match the injury.

 What to look for

Injuries that can’t be explained or are explained unconvincingly.

Injuries that have not been treated or not treated adequately.

Injuries on part of the body where accidental injury is unlikely, such as cheeks, chest and thighs.

Bruising that reflects hand or finger marks.

Cigarette burns, adult human bite marks.

Broken bones (particularly in children under the age of two).

Scalds, for example rings on the arms, legs or where the child may have been made to sit or stand in very hot water.

Marks across the back caused by a foreign object such as a slipper, belt or pole.

How could their behaviour change?

The child is reluctant to have their parents contacted for any reason.

Aggressive behaviour.

A child who shows fear when going home.

A child that flinches when approached or touched.

Reluctant to get undressed for any activity where a change of clothes is normal.

Covering legs and arms when hot.

Depression or mood swings that are out of character for the child.

Unnaturally compliant to parents or careers.

Sexual Abuse

Involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact including assult by penetration (for example rape or oral sex) or non-penetrative acts such as masturbation, kissing, rubbing and touching outside of clothing. They may also include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, sexual images, watching sexual activities, encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or grooming a child in preparation for abuse (including via the internet). Sexual abuse is not solely perpetrated by adult males. Women can also commit acts of sexual abuse, as can other children.

The majority of sexual abuse cases happen in private and the abuser will go to great lengths to prevent anyone discovering. Furthermore, the child is often threatened to remain silent through a sense of guilt and shame.

Physical signs of sexual abuse

Pain, itching, bruising or bleeding in the genital or anal areas.

Sexually transmitted diseases.

Recurrent genital discharge or urine tract infections without apparent cause.

Stomach pains or discomfort when the child is walking or sitting.

Behavioural signs of sexual abuse

Sudden or unexpected changes in behaviour.

Running away from home.

Nightmares/bed wetting.


Abuse of drugs or other substances.

Eating disorders e.g. anorexia, bulimia.

Sexualised behaviour and/or knowledge.

Sexual drawings/language.

Possession of unexplained amounts of money.

The child not allowed to have friends.

Telling other adults or children about the abuse.

Alluding to secrets which they cannot reveal.

Reluctant to get undressed for example for sporting events, or where a change of clothes is normal.

Emotional Abuse

As with the other forms of abuse emotional abuse can be difficult to identify with certainty. Some children are genuinely shy and find it hard to be outgoing and confident. Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve conveying to a child that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only in so far as they meet the needs of another person. It may include not giving the child opportunities to express their views, deliberately silencing them or ‘making fun’ of what they say or how they communicate. It may feature age developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on children. These may include interactions that are beyond a child’s developmental capability as well as well as overprotection and limitation of exploration and learning, or preventing the child participating in normal social interaction. It may involve seeing or hearing the ill-treatment of another. It may involve serious bullying (including cyber bullying), causing children frequently to feel frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of children. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of maltreatment of a child, although it may occur alone.

Physical signs of emotional abuse

A failure to thrive.

Sudden speech disorder.

Delayed development.

 Behavioural signs of emotional abuse

Compulsive nervous behaviour e.g. rocking.

Unwilling or unable to play.

Fear of making mistakes.

Self-harm or mutilation.

Reluctant to have parents called.

Excessive lack of confidence.

Excessive need of attention, affection and/or approval.

Inability to cope with praise.


Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development. Neglect may occur during pregnancy as a result of maternal substance misuse. Once a child is born, neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to: provide adequate food, clothing and shelter (including exclusion from home or abandonment); protect a child from physical and emotional harm or danger; ensure adequate supervision; or ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child’s basic emotional needs.

Children that are neglected tend to develop more slowly than others and find it difficult to socialise with their peers.

Physical signs of neglect

Constantly hungry and stealing food from others.

Being in an unkept state e.g. often dirty and/or smelly.

Loss of weight or constantly underweight.

Inappropriately dressed for the weather conditions.

Untreated medical conditions.

Behavioural signs of neglect

Often tired.

Frequently missing school or being late.

Unable to keep hospital appointments.

Having few friends.

Being unsupervised frequently.

Often stealing or scavenging for food.

If a child confides in you . . .

Remain calm, accessible and receptive.

Listen carefully and without interrupting.

Remain aware of non-verbal messages e.g. body language.

Make it clear you are taking them seriously.

Acknowledge their courage and reassure them that they are right to tell.

Reassure them they are not to feel guilty and you are sorry that this has happened to them.

What to avoid . . .

Do not allow your shock or distaste show.

Do not ask for more information than is offered.

Do not make assumptions.

Do not make promises you cannot keep, for example that everything will be alright.

Do not agree to keep information a secret.

Never delay getting emergency help if required.

Child abuse can also have an impact on you as the child care worker, do not keep your emotions bottled up once the incident has been dealt with, speak to another member of staff or contact the NSPCC support line.

Bruising in children that are not independently mobile . . .

All bruising in children under six months or children that are not independently mobile must be reported to Children’s Services. If a child is seriously ill or injured, or in need of urgent treatment you should immediately refer them to hospital before referring them to Children’s Services. If a child gets bruised whilst at nursery you do not need to refer them to Children’s Services, but you should follow the policy for recording accidents/incidents. Bruising is the most common feature of physical abuse in children, the younger the child, the greater the risk that bruising is non- accidental. It is the responsibility of the examining pediatrician to decide whether bruising is consistent with an innocent cause or not, even if a plausible explanation is given by the carer.

Genital Mutilation

Genital mutilation is where procedures take place to remove part or all of female genitalia as well as other injuries to female genital organs for non-medical reasons. This can cause long term health problems and severe pain. The majority of genital mutilation cases take place on girls between the ages of 5 and 8 and happens across Africa, the Middle East & Asia.

Physical signs of genital mutilation

Visual changes to genital organs

Pain and discomfort in genital area

Piercing to genital areas

Fractures/dislocation as a result of restraint

Vaginal and pelvic infections

Difficulties passing urine and urine infections

Scar formation in genital areas

Behavioural signs of genital mutilation



Emotionally depressed

Lack of motivation

For all information regarding how to report an allegation please refer to the Safeguarding Policy.

SEN Policy

A child is considered to have special educational needs (SEN) if they have significant learning difficulties in comparison to their peers. This means they need extra special attention, or if a child has a disability that hinders or prevents the child from using educational facilities generally provided for the same age range.

Our policy in relation to children who experience difficulties in learning or in adapting to the physical, social or behavioural demands of the nursery environment is described below.

RSA recognises the right of each individual child, including those with special needs, which combines care and learning through play and education.

The centre is sensitive to the needs and feelings of children with SEN and their families and will ensure individual needs are recognised and addressed. Parents/carers will be involved at every stage and in any plans that are made to meet a child’s individual special needs.

The staff will continuously monitor and record each child’s progress onto their individual progress report.

Equality of opportunity for all children is essential and it is important that children with special needs have the opportunity of learning alongside their peers. For this reason, the special educational needs of children will normally be met in the mainstream setting.

If your child has special needs of any kind, we will discuss:

  • How the child and parent can be helped.
  • How our staff can be helped.
  • What advice and practical help we can get from outside agencies.
  • What adaptations need to be made.
  • How we can support and help the parent.

Unauthorised Person Policy

For the safety of our children it is essential we know who will be collecting the children from the centre.

It is the responsibility of the parent to inform us if someone different will be collecting their child. If they have never been to the setting before we will ask for the following information:

  • Full name
  • Description of what they look like
  • Password
  • A form of photo ID to be brought with them e.g. driving license
  • If arranged in advance a photo would be beneficial.

These details are checked before the child is released to the person collecting.

We also ask that the person collecting needs to be at least 18yrs of age. If they are younger we will need written consent from the parent prior to them collecting, however we will impose a minimum age of 16yrs and we do not take responsibility for the child once they have been released to the specified person.

However, if someone unauthorised arrives at the setting management is informed. If they are here to collect a child, management will call the parent(s) to get permission and the necessary details. The child will not be released without permission.

If the unauthorised person is here for no valid reason they will be asked to leave the nursery premises. If they refuse the police will be called.

Whistle Blower Policy

Employees are often the first to realise that there may be something wrong within their setting. However, they may not express their concerns because they feel that speaking up would be disloyal to their colleagues. They may also fear harassment or victimisation as a result of speaking up. In these circumstances, it may be easier to ignore the concern rather than report what may be just suspicion of malpractice and wrongdoing at work.

RSA is committed to the highest possible standard of openness. We encourage employees and others with genuine concerns about any person linked with the setting and/or others (e.g. Parents/Carers) to come forward and voice those concerns. This policy document makes it clear that employees, Parents/Carers and others can voice ANY concern without fear of reprisals. The Whistleblowing Policy is intended to encourage and enable employees and others to raise such concerns should they occur at RSA rather than overlooking the problem.

This procedure will guide employees, Parents/Carers and outside agencies to raise concerns about the Management/Staff of RSA should they occur.

How to raise a concern

Where at all possible concerns should normally be raised with the Manager, this is dependent upon, the seriousness and sensitivity of the issues involved and who is suspected of any wrongdoing (if necessary outside agency advice and guidance can be sought – please refer to ‘how the matter can be taken further’). Staff can raise concerns with any individual within the management team or a Director. Concerns should preferably be expressed in writing stating the history of the concern, names involved, dates and, places and any other information that is relevant to the concerns they wish to be investigated: the more details that are provided will allow the investigation to be completed in more detail and as promptly as reasonably possible. Although a member of staff is not expected to prove beyond doubt the truth of the allegation, they will need to demonstrate that they have an honest and reasonable suspicion that malpractice has occurred, is occurring or is likely to occur.


The action taken will depend on the nature of the concern. The appropriate person/s will investigate the concerns thoroughly, ensuring that a written response can be provided within ten working days. The response should include details of how the matter was investigated, conclusions drawn from the investigation, and whom to contact should the individual raising the complaint be unhappy with the response and wish to raise the matter. If the investigation cannot be completed within the timescale above, the individual raising the complaint should receive a response that indicates:

  • progress to date
  • how the matter is being dealt with
  • how long it will take to provide a final response.

In order to protect individuals, initial enquiries (usually involving a meeting with the individual raising the concern), will be made to decide whether an investigation is appropriate and, if so, what form it should take. Concerns or allegations that raise issues that fall within the scope of other policies/procedures, will be addressed under those procedures. Some concerns may be resolved at this initial stage simply, by agreed action or an explanation regarding the concern, without the need for further investigation. If you do not feel that the complaint has been dealt with effectively or you still have concerns, you have a right to refer your concerns to Ofsted.


RSA will do its best to protect your identity when you raise a concern. However, it must be appreciated that, in the interests of adhering to our safeguarding policies, the investigation process may reveal the source of the information and a statement by you may be required as part of the evidence.

Anonymous Allegations

You are strongly encouraged to put your name to any allegation you are raising: concerns expressed anonymously are much less powerful. Anonymous allegations will be considered and any action taken at the discretion of RSA and in conjunction with the relevant agencies where appropriate. Keeping in line with this discretion, the following factors will be taken into account when considering how to deal with any allegations:

  • The seriousness of the issues raised;
  • The credibility of the allegation;
  • The likelihood of confirming the allegation from attributable sources.

Untrue allegations 

RSA accepts that deciding to report a concern can be very difficult and uncomfortable. If a member of staff makes an allegation in good faith, but it is not confirmed by the investigation, no action will be taken against him/her. If, however, a member of staff makes an allegation frivolously, maliciously or for personal gain, disciplinary action may be taken against them.

How the matter can be taken further

If the complaint has not been dealt with in a manner which is satisfactory to the employee, Parent/Carer or others involved, then they can contact OFSTED directly at the following address.

Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD


Telephone: General helpline – 0300 123 1231

Further information regarding whistle blowing can be found on the NSPCC whistleblowing website, their contact number is 0800 028 0285 and e-mail is